Upper School Curriculum Information for The Woodward School

Woodward is Still Accepting Applications for 2024 - 2025 School Year!

Upper School Grades 9 - 12
High School students are challenged with more freedom, joined with increasing expectations for intellectual development, academic skills, and personal responsibility in the learning process. Course offerings are more diverse, and the course content more narrowly focused. The tools and habits learned in the Middle School continue to be built upon, as students develop into independent, discerning thinkers, with strong reading, writing and presentation skills.   
Upper School students must carry a minimum of six courses each academic year, except seniors who must carry five courses. Students select a required course from each of the core subject areas, plus an additional elective or combination of electives throughout the year to meet program requirements.  High School courses are offered as College Prep, Honors, and Advanced Placement (AP) sections. Honors and AP provide students with the accelerated atmosphere and intellectual challenge necessary to prepare them for work at competitive colleges. Students must be approved for Honors or AP level work based upon demonstrated achievement and serious commitment to studies.  Required courses, programs and work include: 4 years of English, 3 years of History, 3 years of Math, 3 years of a World Language, 3 years of Science, 1 year of Computer Science, 1 year of the Arts, the completion of an 11th grade Founders Paper, participation in the IMPACT Learning @ Woodward (IL@W) each year, and Community Service.