Big Sister/Little Sister Program for Girls at The Woodward School

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The Big Sister / Little Sister Program is a long tradition at Woodward. The program pairs seniors with incoming sixth grade students to provide guidance as they transition from elementary school to a new middle school environment. The program gives both age groups the opportunity for communication, sharing, and fun throughout the school year. Students are paired in September and hike to the top of the Great Blue Hills together on the year’s first outing. Thereafter, the girls enjoy lunches and other activities that lead to a special bond between the older and younger girls. Seniors share the traditions and values of their school, and honor the privilege of mentoring and leading their younger peers. At graduation each year the sixth graders join the seniors for a final tradition, as they participate together in the ceremony. The Big Sister / Little Sister Program fosters character traits for leadership and responsibility, preserves traditions, and provides a nurturing and supportive entry for our youngest girls.

Older Woodward Students Mentoring Younger Woodward Students